I think everyone was wondering what is WIKI ?

  • Wiki is a web technology used for collaborative publishing on the web. Wiki is a type of server software that allows you to work with data on a remote server on the Web. Users interact with the software through a web interface that lets them read, edit and publish content
Today I'm going to tell you about some free WIKI tools.

Wikispaces  - Wikispaces Classroom is a social writing platform for education its works great on modern browsers, tablets, and phones. Also it is free for teachers and students, but u need to sign in.

For myself I found interesting  Online and Remote Learning
Not everyone can attend classes for a number of different reasons. And remote learning is excellent way out of their situation. Wikispaces Classroom creates an online presence for your classroom, students groups, parent teacher association, faculty groups, and any other need you have so that people get the information they need and contribute their energy whenever they can.

As for Wiki Site  , I completely disliked this site. The interface seems to be from the 90's. I certainly wouldn't want to use this site. And honestly, I don't particularly like the other sites either.

BUT! I found other free sites

Like MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now also used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis, including this website, the home of MediaWiki.

And if you click on this link you will find 10 free sites.


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